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Adil Akhtar Adil Akhtar

Law Personal Statement for Cambridge and Oxford

Lawyers need to be able to communicate clearly and present compelling arguments. The following personal statement is from an EU student, applying for Law at Cambridge. The statement contains several good ideas for work experience and links the experiences gained to what is required in a law degree. They received an offer from Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.

Oxbridge Example Law Personal Statement

I have always taken a special interest in the matters of right and wrong, one that has later developed into a fascination of legal systems and their role in the framework of society. The philosophy behind laws and the processes set up to keep them in place impress me, along with the way in which the system allows for peaceful resolutions to disputes that might otherwise have had violent ends.

At my school, I acted as both a Student Ambassador and Tutor. I was chosen for these posts, as I was perceived to be mature enough to manage the responsibility and be an appropriate role model for the new students. Here, I developed my skills in terms of organisation and communication; the latter especially in terms of persuasive argumentation when presenting the benefits of taking the IB and raising the mood. Moreover, last year I partook in a MUN Conference. This offered me perspective on the formal process and manner of communication, which is imperative in discourses as found in the UN and courtroom alike, and I was soon captivated by the debates. Additionally, whilst being out of class, I had to keep on top of both class work and assignments, teaching me to organise my time and plan ahead.

During the spring, I attended an open-house at Aarhus University. Here, I was mesmerized by the subject of law, as students described their everyday life and a professor analysed a fictional case with the class. Also, career opportunities and common misconceptions were discussed, and I left the event with a more complete idea of the practical aspect of studying law, and the way it struck a personal chord with me, ensured me that it would be the right choice.

My interest in law intensified recently when I visited the city court, Aarhus Byret, and observed the trial of a subject. This gave me insight into the issues one might face as a barrister, and the potential implications of such a career regarding the extensive impact on the lives of the individuals involved. However, it also showed me the societal importance of lawyers in general, as these help to balance the arguments for and against and ensure that a fair resolution is determined. I realised that this is a career that would prove morally engaging and require personal investment but would turn out just as rewarding as it is demanding.

This year I am working the night shift as a production worker. The purpose of this is to acquaint myself with other layers of society and the people of a different background than my own. Later this experience might aid me in dealing with both civil and corporate law, as I will have greater insight into the practical side of a working environment. The wage from this will be used to fund part of my university tuition and backpacking in Asia next spring. While I recognise education to be constitutive of a healthy mind, developing yourself personally, maturing and becoming independent are equally important aspects of life. Alongside this, letting yourself integrate into foreign cultures, allows for a greater understanding of the world and acceptance of diversity.

Generally, I am studious, and self-disciplined. Hence, meeting deadlines and motivating myself has never been an issue. Furthermore, I enjoy an academic curiosity, which is not limited to a single field but rather covers a general hunger for learning. In my spare time, I prefer to stay active and regularly engage in both badminton, running exercise, and fitness. Additionally, I am also fascinated by languages, as I often find that language and culture are two closely tied areas. While being fluent in both Danish and English, I am proficient in German and have done informal extracurricular classes in both Arabic, Japanese, and French at my school. Finally, I am a social and outgoing individual, who takes initiative to also include the people of less social engagement. Thus, I do not only offer my personal devotion but also aid in shaping a healthy social environment.

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